It Took Me Almost 12 Years to Graduate College

Krystal Sandoval
3 min readJun 6, 2021

Here Are Five Things I Learned Along the Way

Photo by Chichi Onyekanne on Unsplash

Yes, you read that correctly- it took me over a decade to complete my undergrad degree. You are probably wondering why, and the short answer is: life doesn’t always go as planned. Life can be messy; there can be many barriers you didn’t expect to arise, and that’s okay.

The reason for my long journey was a multitude of things: health issues, debilitating anxiety, moving around frequently (causing me to change community colleges constantly), changing my major more than once, and eventually getting pregnant and taking a break to focus on motherhood.

Here are some things I learned along my journey:

1. Everyone’s path is different: stop comparing yourself to others.
This took me years to accept. I used to beat myself up all the time for not completing college in “just” 4 years. For many people, it’s just not realistic! I had to stop focusing on comparing myself and my life to other people. Everyone’s journey and circumstances aren’t going to be identical to your own. Give yourself some grace, and instead focus on how you’re going to achieve your educational goals.

2. Being a student has no age limit: don’t be embarrassed or ashamed because you feel too “old”.



Krystal Sandoval

Californian. Lover of iced coffee, long drives by the coast, reading & flowers.